The Genius of Love

The Genius of Love

Why Does Hell Exist? – A Reverse Lesson on Love
Unlocking the Essence of Love and Spiritual Awakening

Last week, we explored the topic of Hell. This week, we would like to delve deeper into the fundamental question:

Why does Hell exist?

The answer lies in Master Okawa’s teachings, which provide spiritual insight into the true meaning and universal principle of love.

The Gravitation of Love

Why do some souls ascend to Heaven while others descend to Hell? Master Okawa illuminates this profound and mysterious question in one of his seminal works, Developmental Stages of Love: The Original Theory.

In Chapter Five, Love and the Spirit World, Master Okawa explains:

"Just as there is gravitation on Earth, human beings—children of God—are governed by the 'gravitation of love' that attracts all to each other." (p. 125-126)

While gravity anchors us physically to Earth, there exists an equally powerful and invisible force called love.

"Evil spirits suffer because they try to live while going against this gravitation of love. Because they try to defy this law of the universe, as a reaction, they meet with consequences that make them suffer. In this sense, the lack of love also means ignorance of the law." (p. 126)

Evil spirits suffer because of their lack of love. They were unaware that the true meaning of love is to give, not to take from others. To live in accordance with divine law—the universal law—is to embody giving love. Hell, then, is a manifestation of our minds, created by spiritual blindness and ignorance. It arises when human beings misunderstand love, believing it is something to take rather than to give.

The True Purpose of Life: Learning Love

We have come to Earth for one profound purpose: to learn and embody the true meaning of love. This love is not about desiring affection from others but about the selfless act of giving without expecting anything in return—a principle deeply embedded in the universe itself.

Master Okawa reveals in The Laws of Bronze (p. 174) that the essence of spiritual matters is love:

"The universe is, in truth, made up of the unseen, not the seen… The identity of the essence of the spiritual is love."

God’s love is the creative force behind everything in the universe. His love dwells within all beings—human, animal, plant, and even minerals. Though love may seem invisible, it is tangible as it moves our hearts.

Could it be, then, that our mission in life is to awaken this divine love within us and let it shine?

The Genius of Love Within You

Master Okawa also teaches that each of us has the potential to become a genius—not through external achievements, but by unearthing the “genius of love” buried deep in our hearts. Love is not something we fabricate; it is an innate gift within us, given to us by God. Through effort, reflection, and spiritual practice, we can unleash this treasure.

Imagine receiving a medal inscribed with these words:

"This person is a genius of love because, as a result of exploring the inner self, this person has found that their very existence is love itself and has made others aware of it as well."

(Developmental Stages of Love – The Original Theory, p. 95)

A Transformative Reading – The Developmental Stages of Love – The Original Theory

This one-of-a-kind book on genuine love is a collection of Master Okawa’s profound essays, written during the six years of solitude before establishing Happy Science, after attaining his great enlightenment on March 23, 1981. Some of the essays in the were even written in New York while he was working at a trading company at the World Trade Center.

This book offers a pathway to living a higher, more meaningful life through the lens of love. We wholeheartedly encourage you to read it and reflect deeply on the true nature of love.

Final Thoughts

The reason why Master Okawa’s words resonate so deeply within us is that the same divine essence that flows through his teachings resides within our hearts. Let us embrace this truth, awaken our Buddha-nature (Divine-nature), and strive to embody universal true love in all that we do.

With love and gratitude,
Okawabooks Newsletter Team
