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Website Renewal: We have renewed our website.

Nossa missão

A missão e o propósito da Happy Science é espalhar a verdade espiritual, buscar a verdadeira felicidade para os seres humanos e realizar o mundo pacífico e próspero que Deus e Buda desejam.

New book

Words to Read in Times of Illness

"Times of Illness are days of rest for the soul."

This book is Ryuho Okawa's 100 Healing Messages of Light to comfort the souls of those going through any illness, whether staying in bed at home or being hospitalized. You will find one healing phrase per page with some colorful images.

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New Book

Words for Work

"I wrote down essential phrases on work that came to my mind.

They cover guiding principles for all who are working, from new employees to CEOs."

(From Afterword and Commentary)

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New Book

Words for Building Character

“Following the two preceding publications ofWords for LifeandWords for Work,I have written a third book,Words for Building Character. It contains phrases that teach more aboutreligious enlightenment."

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