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This week, we would like to discuss the topic of ‘Hell.’
Please rest assured, our intention is not to scare you.
We believe it is essential for all human beings to understand spiritual truths as they are, without deception or bias. The afterlife is real, and both Heaven and Hell exist.
The upcoming new book by Master Okawa, Words to Stop You from Falling to Hell, is a gift of salvation to all of us. The truths about Hell shared in this book are universal and very important for everyone to understand.
This book contains 100 phrases describing scenes in Hell, which Master Okawa, the author, has witnessed through his spiritual sight. It also offers vital advice on how to avoid falling to Hell in the afterlife. The purpose of releasing this book is to share the shocking reality of Hell with us in this modern age, so that we can understand which mindsets lead to Hell and how to avoid them.
What is Hell?
Master Okawa explains it this way:
#2 Hell is a manifestation of what is in your mind.
Humans are essentially ‘minds’—energy with frequencies. After death, the only thing we carry with us to the afterlife is our mind.
If our mind is filled with anger and resentment, will that lead us to Heaven or Hell?
In The Laws of Hell, Master Okawa reveals that it’s not only those who commit obvious crimes who end up in Hell. Even those who harbor negative thoughts that cause unhappiness to others and themselves may fall to Hell. While this might be hard to accept, it is the Truth. Both Heaven and Hell are governed by Buddha’s Law.
In Words to Stop You from Falling to Hell, Master Okawa describes in detail his spiritual experiences of visiting various realms of Hell. In this modern age, some realms of Hell have evolved, while others remain unchanged since ancient times. The descriptions are graphic and astonishing.
Let us explore some of these realms together.
The Realm of Shallow Hell: The Hell of the Bloody Pond
Let’s first look at what Master Okawa calls the “Shallow Hell” — the Hell of the Bloody Pond, based on his experiences.
#15 The Hell of the Bloody Pond exists to this day. You will go there if your self-control and true love succumb to animal instincts.
The love between men and women can lead us to either Heaven or Hell, depending on whether the relationship is based on ‘giving love’ or ‘taking love,’ according to Buddha’s Truth.
#15 In the Hell of the Bloody Pond, you are tested, “Is your true nature human or animal?”
The Realm of Animalistic Hell: The Hell of Beasts
Next, we explore the Hell of Beasts, where those who lived more like animals than humans end up.
#17 In the Hell of Beasts, you will turn into an animal, but your face will sometimes double with the face you had when you were human.
#19 A highly aggressive person will become a wild beast and will continue to assault other animals until they realize how meaningless killing is.
#21 Those who were too timid to do useful work and sustain their families are constantly on the run, hopping around like rabbits.
The Hell of Beasts is created by the minds of those who have abandoned human dignity and acted purely on animal instincts. Misguided notions of freedom are among the most terrifying forces in this realm.
The Deepest Realm of Hell: The Abysmal Hell
Finally, we turn to the Abysmal Hell, the deepest realm of Hell.
#81 The most wicked and sinister will not even be given the chance to be judged by the court of Yama. They will fall headfirst to the Abysmal Hell.
#83 What’s worse, those who have been in the pit of hell for thousands or tens of thousands of years without self-reflection will become devils. They are plotting a rebellion against God and some are even gathering demons as their minions.
How to Avoid Falling into Hell
Death is the ultimate equalizer for all of us, and where our soul goes after death depends entirely on the thoughts and deeds we nurture while alive.
How, then, can we avoid falling into Hell and return to Heaven?
The answer lies in the daily practice of the exploration of the right mindset. Through the daily practice of self-reflection, we can remove the dust that hinders our Buddha-nature (Divine nature) from shining more brightly.
Our Creator, the Eternal Buddha, or God understands that we humans are imperfect and prone to making mistakes. However, by establishing a habit of self-reflection—acknowledging our errors in light of the Truth, apologizing for our mistakes to Buddha or God, and living with gratitude and giving love—our minds can be purified and shine more brightly. This practice of self-reflection allows us to exercise our true freedom to refine our souls, which is a manifestation of the Creator's boundless compassion. His hands of salvation are always extended to us.
Now, let us listen to an excerpt from Master Ryuho Okawa's lecture, "The Four Principles for Human Happiness."
This lecture is included in Chapter 3 of the book The Laws of Happiness, The Four Principles for Human Happiness.
Today, we discussed Hell and the mindset needed to avoid falling into it.
Please remember that Hell is only a small, lower part of the fourth-dimensional posthumous realm within the vast nine-dimensional spiritual realms.
Please do not fear Hell. Instead, let it motivate you to explore the truths of the Spirit World and the spiritual view of life, guiding you toward a happier and more peaceful life, both in this world and the next.